Brilliant Ways How to Put Freelance Work on Resume to Land Clients

how to put freelance work on resume

For some people, working as a freelancer sometimes seems underestimated. But not now, because everyone has made freelancing a side job or their primary job. But, how to put freelance work on resume – It’s a question that many ask.

Sometimes freelance work is even the dream of many people because the hours are more flexible. This job makes it possible for anyone to have an income.

When applying for a job, a resume is the first door that connects you with the recruiter. A resume is made to provide an overview of who you are professionally, what skills you have, and what achievements you have achieved in previous jobs.

A good resume can take you one step closer to your dream career. However, the problem is that writing freelance experience on a resume can sometimes feel confusing because a freelancer tends to work on many projects at once.

Unlike full-time or contract workers who have a clear status, freelancers are often seen as unemployed because the majority are not bound by an employment contract. As a result, this is a challenge for freelancers when applying for a job because they have to compete with other candidates who have worked at a company.

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Do you want to apply for a job and include freelance work experience but are confused about how to write experience on a resume? This article will discuss how to put freelance work on resume? – Step by Step.

Check out the points below!

Create a Resume According to the Position You Are Applying For

Compiling a resume will be easier if you focus on doing one type of work when you are a freelancer, for example becoming a freelance writer. In compiling a freelance writer resume, don’t forget to flex your work results by displaying them in the portfolio attachment.

However, if it turns out that you do various types of work in different fields at one time, make sure the experience written is close to the position you are applying for. For example, so far you have been working in the field of writing but want to try the field of administration.

From the two types of work, several skills are in line that can be used. One of them, as a writer, you must be used to being a detail-oriented person. Well, that skill can also be used when you work in administration.

In addition, the use of keywords in job vacancies attracts the attention of recruiters. Make your work as a freelancer look like a real job with these keywords.

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Create a Resume with the Right Structure

After determining the position you are applying for, the next step is to think about how to list freelance work on a resume.

Resume Example explains that in general, there are three ways to compile a resume, namely chronologically, combination, and functionally. Especially for freelancers, resumes should be compiled functionally or simply highlight skills rather than work history over time.

You can start by determining what skills are needed by the company you are applying for and what expertise you have. After that, choose a project you have worked on using those skills to write in your resume.

how to put freelance work on resume

How to Put Freelance Work on Resume?

Here is a good structure that can be imitated in creating a resume.

Create a Header

The first thing in how to put freelance work on resume must be a header. The header includes your full name and the profession/field you are currently pursuing. Writing down the profession or field you are pursuing confirms that you are truly a professional and still pursuing that field up until now.

Include Contact Information

Under the header, write contact information like your email address, telephone number, city of domicile, and your LinkedIn account. For email, use a professional email with a full name.

Also, make sure your telephone number is active and can be contacted. This makes it easier for recruiters to contact you whenever they need it.

Provide a Cool Summary

After writing a complete header with contact information, let’s start by writing a summary below the header. A summary is a short profile about who you are professionally. Write it with all your heart about yourself, let’s assume your crush will read this!

If you have experience in content writing, you can start by writing how far you have been involved in writing projects. And don’t forget to flex what achievements you have achieved!

However, if you don’t have any professional experience, explain that you are currently studying content writing. Then, write down some of the prominent skills that you have mastered.

You can also mention your desire to work at the company you are applying for. But remember, don’t write a summary that is too long, just 2-4 sentences.

Arrange Work History Neatly

Work history is one of the important parts that is considered in a resume. This is where sometimes we are confused is how to list freelance work on resume?

The reason is that work history shows how far your professional experience is and how you have achieved it in previous jobs. Given the importance of this section, don’t write down inaccurate information.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Only write relevant work experience
  • Sort work experience from newest to oldest. The newest sequence is placed at the top
  • In the job description section, don’t just write down the job description but also explain your achievements during your work. 

For example, “Writing 80 SEO articles related to culinary” or “Increasing web traffic from 1,500 clicks per month to 3,500 clicks per month.”

List the Best Freelance Skills on Resume

To create a good freelance writer resume, a content writer must include qualified hard skills. Making a list of the abilities you have, will give recruiters an idea of ​​whether you fit the profile the company is looking for.

Just like work history, you only need to include skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. If you are still confused about what skills to write, you can first write down all the skills that you have. After that, break down gradually the skills that are most needed for the position. Include the results of the skill breakdown in your resume.

For example, you only focus on writing hard skills including paid ads, SEO, CRM, Google Analytics, and others.

how to list freelance work on resume

Educational Background

Educational background will also always be considered by recruiters. In addition to academic education, courses furthermore make your educational history stand out more.

This section shows that you have a strong will to learn and have practiced theories through case studies during the course.

Oh yes, there are also rules in listing education. You don’t need to list education from junior high school, to elementary school, more than kindergarten. You only need to list a minimum of high school education and above.

List the Certifications You Have

After discussing the previous 6 points, there is still one equally important point, namely certification. In this digital age, courses or certifications are particularly easy to find online. The prices also vary according to needs and can be adjusted to our financial capabilities.

In this section, certification provides a plus in the eyes of recruiters. Certification means that you have mastered the field you are currently working in. Of course, proven by a valid written certificate.

If you have certification in a particular field, this can make you stand out from other candidates. Moreover, having certification means that you are actively trying to learn and want to explore the field professionally.

How to Write Freelance Experience Professionally?

The other rule on how to put freelance work on resume is, to write your experience professionally. Don’t underestimate the work of a freelancer. Although in general, freelancers are not bound by work contracts like workers, the projects you do are done professionally.

So, keep using the way to write a resume that is like people in general. Of course, it is adjusted to what you do while being a freelancer.

You can use power words such as “planning”, “developing”, etc. In addition, write a resume with an active sentence structure to show a professional impression.

How To List Freelance Work on Resume?

In addition to adding freelance work to your resume, listing clients on your resume is also equally important. There is no need to mention all the clients you have worked with. List only well-known clients or those with the best results from the projects you have worked on so far.

In this case, you can emphasize that you have professional qualities and skills and these are trusted by the company. Before writing the client’s name, make sure you are not in an agreement that states that you are prohibited from mentioning the company’s name in your resume or portfolio.

List Achievements with Numbers

The easiest thing to use as a benchmark is results that can be seen statistically. Recruiters like to include achievements in resumes that can be measured. So, try to mention the numbers from your work as a freelancer.

However, freelancers are usually not involved in the internal affairs of a company so it will be difficult to get performance data from the results of their work. However, according to The Balance Careers, instead, you can mention other statistics such as the number of projects you have worked on or the number of companies you have worked with.

So, after reading how to put freelance work on resume? above, hopefully, you can implement it! These several websites can help you create a resume too. Here is our summary:

  1. Canva
  3. Novoresume

Which ones have you tried? Finding a job or client is not easy but remember, effort will not betray the results. Keep up the spirit! Use the best way in how to put freelance work on resume to land clients.


What freelancers are most needed right now?

The most needed freelancers right now are graphic designers, content writers, copywriters, digital marketing, social media marketing, data analysis, accounting, web developers, administrative assistants, and other jobs that can often be done on mobile or online.

Can I put freelance work on my resume?

Yes, you can put your freelance work on your resume because it helps your resume stand out from the competition.

How to include freelance work on resume?

First list your role, add the dates of the work project, add the company name, make a project summary, and list your project achievement with numbers.

Ashmal Saeed

Ashmal Saeed

Business Contact: +923280331759

Address: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan