11 Website Content Writing Tools – My Top Picks For You!

website content writing tools

Facing writer’s block? Is your deadline near? Is the thought of failing to reach the deadline getting on your nerves? Ughh… it’s a hard time finding website content writing tools…but not anymore. Old times are gone when creative blocks would last for hours or even days and you would end up wasting so much time. It’s the era of technology where you can bring ideas to your mind through advanced tools. 

Technology comes to make things easier for you (not to take over us). For content writers, many tools are available that can help them in their thinking, researching, and writing process. Being a content writer, I made the mistake of not using tools at the start of my career – I did everything manually, thinking that these were of no use. That is completely wrong. 

Later, these tools became my best friends that I had always pinned to my Google bar for quick access. Here I am sharing my best friends in the course writing journey with you (hoping that you would love these). If you are struggling to find freelance writing jobs, look here.

11 Best Website Content Writing Tools

Tools for Research – Answer The Public

The first phase of copywriting is researching. It’s the part that takes the most time. You have to look for ideas and plan them. For website content writing tools, the main goal is to attract an audience to your site. You must get to know what your audience is searching for. For this purpose, my favorite tool is Answer the Public. Trust me, it’s a treasure of content ideas. 

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Whenever I run out of topics to write, this is my go-to tool. It’s a freemium tool that tells you the phrases that people are looking for. Enter a broad keyword that you have, and you will find tons of ideas. How does this tool work? Answer the public scans through all the Google automated suggestions that people are looking for. This tool tops the list because no other free tool can give this many ideas. 

Keyword Research – Ubersuggest

We have finalized the topic by Answering the public – now it’s time to find some keywords that can be used. Keywords are the terms or phrases that your audience searches for on search engines. You have to use the keywords in your content to make sure that it gets ranked by Google. After all, the purpose of the content is to attract readers. The market is flooded with keyword research tools because of the growing SEO trends but this one is my top pick.

Ubersuggest is by far the best keyword research tool because of its huge database. The best part? It gives 3 free searches for a say, and that is enough if you are a beginner. Another valuable feature is that you can filter the keyword results by their Volume, the SEO difficulty, and much more. There are different sections for different types of keywords, such as Questions, Prepositions, and comparisons. Browse through all of these to find the best ones. Towards the right side of these keywords, you would see their search volume, their SEO difficulty, and difficulty as well.

Writing Assistant – Grammarly

You must be aware of this website content writing tools already, but I couldn’t resist adding Grammarly – the life-savior tool. If you have written anything online, you have probably come across Grammarly. It’s a must-have tool for anyone who writes regularly. It polished your content by catching grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and awkward phrasing. 

best website content writing tools

Here’s what makes it even better. It goes beyond the basic correction. Grammarly gives suggestions for improving your content structure and clarity. It makes sure that the tone you are using is clean and easy to understand. It allows you to set your goals based on the type of audience you are targeting. Both free and premium versions are available. 

Best Editing Tool – Hemingway Editor

Content must be clear, direct, and easy to digest. That’s why Hemingway was built as one of the best website content writing tools. It is named after a famous writer who is known for his short yet impactful words. This tool focuses on readability. You can paste your content on Hemingway Editor, and it will highlight all the complex sentences, passive voice, and adverbs that are weakening your writing. It’s perfect for those who want to keep their content sharp and to the point. After all, when people are reading online, they are often skimming; Simplified content makes your audience grab the message quickly. 

Best SEO Tool – Yoast SEO

When it comes to website content writing tools, SEO tools cannot be neglected. You want your country to be seen by as many people as possible. Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that can optimize your content for search engines. It analyzes the blog posts and articles for keywords. You have to enter the keyword you are writing for and it will show you all the issues. It provides easy-to-understand red, orange, and green lights to assist you. It also checks if the keyword usage is too much or too little. The only negative side is that it works on WordPress only. 

Writing Analysis Tool – ProWritingAid

Similar to Grammarly, it is a detailed grammar and style checker. What sets it apart is its in-depth reports on your writing style. It includes things like sentence length variation, repeated words, and readability. You will get detailed feedback on how to make your writing tighter and more engaging.

Pro writing aid is perfect for writers who want to dig deeper into their writing style and polish their content to a high level. This role easily aligns with Google Docs and Microsoft Word for accessibility.

Headline Analyser – CoSchedule

The headline is the first thing that people would see. It determines if they will click on your content or scroll past it. The Coschedule headline analyzer helps you craft compelling and clickable headlines. It gives stories to your headline and of the word balance, emotional impact, and insight. You will get suggestions on how to improve it. If you want your headlines to stand out and attract clicks, this tool is a must-have. 

Expand Your Vocabulary – Thesaurus 

A rich vocabulary is vital for any content writer who wants to engage their audience; if you are trying to avoid repetition or just looking for the exact word, you can search out the Thesaurus. It gives plenty of synonyms, antonyms, and even example sentences for any word that you type in. With thesaurus, you can avoid overusing common words and make your content more dynamic. 

It improves variety in your writing for any type of content-  website content, blogs, or product descriptions. It assists you in sourcing professionals who are well-versed in your niche. Plus, it provides context so you can ensure that you are using a word in a tight setting. With alternatives for overused words, you can avoid monotony in the context. 

Simplify Your Content  – Dejargonizer 

At times, while writing, we often include jargon in the content. These are words that are specific to our niche, but others might not be able to comprehend them. If your content is too technical or filled with jargon, you risk alienating a large portion of your audition; Dejargonizer is one of the best website content writing tools that simplifies complex terms and makes your writing more accessible to a broader audience. 

Simply paste your content. The tool will highlight complex words and phrases. Plus, it gives a few suggestions for simplification. It makes your writing clearer and more digestible for readers who are not experts in your field. This way, you can straightforwardly communicate complicated ideas. In a world where simplicity rules, Dejargonizer makes sure that your audience gets the message without scratching their heads. 

Trello – Project Management Tool

Are you balancing multiple projects or managing too many clients at the same time? If, yes, I know that things may get confusing. In some cases, I would even miss a deadline – but not anymore since I have found Trello. Trello is a project management tool that helps continent writers stay organized. Here, you can plan out your content colander and easily handle the different projects. It allows you to create boards, lists, and cards to keep track of your progress. 

website content writing tools

I love this top because it gives a visual overview of all pending and completed tasks. It is easy to use. The best part? You can share this card with others – making it perfect for freelance writers or agencies. Trello leaves no room for last-minute panic. 

AI Content Creation – Jasper AI

Do you want to speed up your content creation process? Jasper Ai, formerly called Jarvis, is the right pick for you. This website content writing tools is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help you generate content quickly without compromising the quality. It has a variety of templates where you can get blogs, posts, full-fledged articles, or short social media copies. A variety of compelling copy is provided in minutes. 

Jasper AI speeds up the writing process so you can generate more content in less time; it works in a variety of tones that sound natural and professional. It’s a perfect head start when you are pressed for time or need help gathering ideas. 

Closing Remarks!

The content creation world is fast-paced, and the winners always work smarter, not harder. These tools are designed to help you overcome common challenges of writing. Using AI and innovative technologies, you can write better and faster. There is a tool to help you at every stage of your writing process. Keep in mind that these website content writing tools are the best servants – not the bosses. You cannot completely rely on them. 


Which is the best tool for content writing?

The best tool depends on your needs, but Grammarly is widely considered the top choice for overall writing assistance. It checks grammar, style, and clarity, and offers both free and premium versions, making it versatile for writers of all levels.

Which AI writing tool is the best?

Jasper AI is one of the best AI-powered writing tools. It helps generate content quickly, whether it’s blog posts, social media captions, or email marketing. Its AI capabilities ensure high-quality content that sounds natural and engaging.

What are the best content writing tools for beginners?

For beginners, Grammarly (for grammar checks), Ubersuggest (for SEO and keyword research), and Answer The Public (for content ideas) are great tools. They are user-friendly and offer free versions to help beginners get started.

What are the free content writing tools for SEO?

You can find plenty of free SEO tools like Answer The Public and Google Keyword Planner. 

Does Grammarly use AI?

Yes, certain tools like Grammarly provide suggestions based on AI. It may be possibly falling as AI content so you must be careful.

Can AI tools replace human writers? 

No, AI website content writing tools are only created to assist writers. They boost our efficiency but they cannot take over us. Human creativity and voice remain irreplaceable.

Ashmal Saeed

Ashmal Saeed

Business Contact: +923280331759

Address: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan